is an intelligent system for road accidents avoidance. The system observes the changing conditions on the road and warns drivers of impending dangers in those critical seconds when they are distracted. Mobileye helps avoid road accidents, saving our and our families’ lives and health, as well as preventing from, or mitigating losses of time and money.
At its World Headquarters in Jerusalem, Israel, Mobileye is one of the largest developers of advanced driver assistance technology (ADAS) on the planet. This system fits all types of cars and trucks, buses and other vehicles.
Development of intelligent systems for accidents avoidance (ADAS) that enable drivers and passengers to feel safe on the road, and actively contribute to decrease vehicular accidents.
is to create unique technologies and to provide the adapted solutions for all segments of the market, as well as to promptly react to any challenges of the market
It is designed to notifyof impending dangers on road, rather then replace routine functions of the driver or reduce the necessity to display vigilance and caution when we at the steering wheel.
All rules of safe driving, as well as traffic laws are to be complied with. Mobileye is neither an automation control system for motor vehicles, nor autopilot of any kind.
Mobileye is intended to alert drivers of impending dangers and to give them early warning to initiate actions for avoidance accidents with sufficient time to react.
Mobileyeneither involved in active control of the vehicle, nor affects its regular systems, such as brakes or steering wheel.
Mobileye never sleeps, is never distracted and always watches the road warning us of potential danger when we are distracted for any reason.
Mobileye uses no radio, optical, laser or any other radiation. The system analyzes video images from a microcamera. Then, by means of special software, any violation of the set conditions of the distance observance or any deviation of the vehicle’s trajectory is defined.
Mobileye is the world technological leader in advanced image recognition and processing for fleet and private vehicles covering the whole range of the vision system applications.
Mobileye - is a unique vision-based monocular platform powered by its proprietary chipset and algorithms, it works as a “third eye” helping drivers increase safety, avoid harmful incidents, and improve driving habits.
Mobileye Solutions are based on sophisticated algorithms being its intellectual property - EyeQ(TM). Since 2007 the platform have been used in vehicles of such global automotive giants as BMW, GM and Volvo.
The most of vehicular accidents occurs because of the driver’s inattention and/or distraction.
Just for that crucial seconds we need that someone or something would draw our attention back on the road. Just Mobileye will do it definitely and timely.
It is suitable for all types of cars, lorries, buses, off-roaders, crossovers and other vehicles.
High efficiency: it works day and night almost under any weather conditions.
The system traces a path of motion of your car and warns you
of any possible emergency situation as follows: