When they sit at the car’s steering wheel, we feel that we should give them an "Assistant" who would never be distracted, but always monitor perpetually changing conditions on the road.
Telephone conversations, SMS exchange, use of e-mail, meal – what else the drivers have not done at the steering wheel. However, the most sad thing is that many of them do it when the vehicle is in motion, not paying particular attention to the mass-media, social advertisement and road police officers calls. Every driver believes that nothing wrong could happen to him or her.
Between 15 % and 30 % of vehicle accidents occur because of distracting driving when drivers use their cellulars or enter a route in the satellite navigator.
The Мobileye® system combines a "smart" camera with a high-power image processing unit. The system watches the vehicle’s trajectory, measures and analyses distance from the vehicle directly ahead of you and pedestrians dangerously entering your path, as well as detects road markings. When the distance to the object is getting too short or the vehicle veers out of the lane with the turn indicators off, Mobileye® emits audio alerts of impending dangers on the road.
Unlike human drivers, Mobileye® is never distracted and keeps an ever watchful eye on the road. It works day and night under any weather conditions as the driver’s «third eye».
The most of vehicular accidents occurs because of the driver’s inattention and/or distraction. Just for that crucial seconds we need that someone or something would draw our attention back on the road. Just Mobileye will do it definitely and timely.